Waste Treatment 

Business activity has an inevitable impact on the natural environment. In order to reduce the negative impact of business practices on environment, An-Shin starts from waste reduction and recycling, then waste disposal. We are moving towards the goal of resources sustainability and actively cooperate with the policies on plastic restriction, waste disposal, industrial waste management, sustainable material management, and etc. to reduce manufacturing waste.

Source Reduction 

The "MOS Reusable Cup, We Love the Earth" reward program has been promoted for more than 8 years, an accumulated total of 668,000 drinks was redeemed and saved at least 3,473,000 paper cups and lids. Customers will earn 1 point when bring their personal mug or tumbler for each drink, and they can redeem a free drink worth NT$40-45 (coffee, black tea, hot chocolate, Cola, Sprite, and etc.) with 6 points. A total number of about 119,000 drinks were redeemed in 2020, and successfully reduced the use of more than 595,000 paper cups and lids.

Year Unit 2018 2019 2020
Redeemed drinks thousand 101 134 119
Paper cups and lids saved thousand 505 804 595

Waste Sorting and Recycling 

Environmental conservation has become a global issue and An-Shin obeys the "Fast-Food Chain Recycling and Disposal Regulations" and "Business Waste and Clean-up Management Regulation". We set up an obvious recycle sign at the tray return  station to remind our customer to sort their waste correctly. 

Waste Disposal 

By following the "Business Waste and Clean-up Management Regulation", An-Shin pays for waste management. Each store is required to record the amount of different types of waste daily for better management and report to headquarters on a monthly basis. In 2020, An-Shin produced 4,302 tons of general waste, 2,087 tons of recyclable waste and 522 tons of waste oil. All types of waste were disposed by the EPA–approved contractors.

To ensure the quality of the frying oil, every store adopts several practices such as filtering and removing oil residue during off-peak hours, oil quality check using Digital TPM (Total Polar Molecule) Measurement Device and replace with new frying oil when necessary. The used oil is handled by the EPA-approved disposal companies to avoid illegal usage.

Annual Waste






General waste





Product intensity





Service intensity

tons/total amount of service provided




Sales intensity

tons/revenue in thousands




Recyclable waste intensity

tons/number of stores




 Recyclable waste intensity





Annual Recyclable Waste
Item Unit 2018 2019 2020
Recyclable waste tons 1,256 1,792 2,087
Product intensity tons/production 0.000012 0.000018 0.000022
Service intensity tons/total amount of service provided 0.000035 0.000050 0.000062
Sales intensity tons/revenue in thousands 0.00024 0.00033 0.00040
Recyclable waste intensity tons/number of stores 4.74 6.52 7.27
 Recyclable waste intensity tons/m2 0.024 0.035 0.039

Annual General Oil Wasted

Item Unit 2018 2019 2020
Oil wasted tons 485 529 522
Product intensity tons/production 0.0000047 0.0000052 0.0000054
Service intensity tons/total amount of service provided 0.000014 0.000015 0.000016
Sales intensity tons/revenue in thousands 0.000094 0.000098 0.000099
General oil wasted intensity tons/number of stores 1.83 2.83 2.83
General oil wasted intensity tons/m2 0.009 0.010 0.010

Green Store Evaluation 

Through the green store evaluation, the Department of Environmental Protection of New Taipei City evaluates the fast food industry, retails, supermarkets, and catering industry according to source reduction, food cherishing, recycle, cleanliness of surroundings, promotion of environmental awareness and energy saving. An-Shin participates in the evaluation every year to enhance the environmental awareness and encourage consumers to practice environmental protection in daily life.

Number of store awarded by Green Store Evaluation

An-Shin has been promoting waste sorting and recycling for years and awarded with the "Ecofriendly Store Awards". In 2020, we participated in the ecofriendly store evaluation and a total of 13 stores were selected for recognition. We proudly showcased 2 five-star stores (Xinzhuang Fu Jen University Store, Xizhi Taiwu Store), 4 four-star stores (Sanchong Zhengyi Store, Sanchong Xuhui Store, Shuangshi Store), and 8 three-star stores (Xindian Zhongzheng Store, Zhulin Store, Yonghe Yongan Store, Sanchong Taipei Bridge store, Nanshijiao store, Banqiao Xinpu Store, New Taipei Zhonghe Store, Dapingling Store). Through our own supply-origin resource reduction, energy-saving facilities and green consumption strategies, we have achieved the goal of reducing resources and waste for the betterment of society.


Health Seminar

The sustainable strategy of An-Shin is providing safe, healthy, and sustainable products which reassure the customers. MOS (Mountain, Ocean, Sun) embraces the nature and use healthy ingredients; we aim to fulfill customers’ needs and conserve the environment at the same time. An-Shin collaborated with Taiwan Organic Association to hold a health seminar in September 8th for the employees. 38 employees took part in the seminar and they learned about the smart and healthy eating habits and knowledge on gastrointestinal health.




Yangmingshan Invasive Species Removal 

An-Shin has been cooperated with the Construction and Planning Agency for years to promote ecological environment education. On July 25th, the chairman led our employees to participate the invasive spiderwort removal activity at Datun Nature Park. We learned about the negative effects of invasive species on the habitat of Taiwan's native species and the importance of maintaining the biodiversity, including genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity.

Through the explanations of the volunteers of the Yangmingshan National Park, our employees learned how to distinguish the characteristics of spiderwort leaves and the correct removal method. We removed 47 bags of spiderwort and stockpiled in a specific area with a black cloth covered above for further composting and improve the rehabilitation of native species.



Guanyin Mountain-Mountain Cleaning Campaign 

An-Shin attaches importance to the concepts of nature, environmental protection and health. During the birthday celebration of MOS Burger in March every year, all of the employees engage in community cleaning to maintain the cleanliness and do our parts for the community and environment. On March 14, 2020, the CEO led employees from different departments to participate in the mountain cleaning campaign and environmental education activities in Guanyin Mountain. We encourage our staffs to keep body fit by partici-pating outdoor activities and conserve the environment with actions. In the mountain cleaning campaign, we collected the trash left by mountain climbers and cleaned the trail for a fresh and natural environment.